

Ayesha L. Rubio was born in Madrid, Spain, one cold evening in February.

Like many other children, she loved to draw. Unfortunately for her family, any surface was an empty canvas for her. One day her grandfather taught her to draw horses and choose paper, instead of furniture or walls, as a better material to draw on.

Years later, she studied Fine Arts in Spain and England and began to work as an illustrator and writer, collaborating with publishers worldwide.

With her nomadic spirit, she has lived in Spain, the UK, and the USA and spent some time in México and Finland too.

At present, she has three books of her own, translated into various languages, and has collaborated with many others. Lately, she has made some incursions into the animation world.

Check her Vimeo page here.

Some of her clients:

Alfaguara, Astronave, B de Blok, Baula, Beascoa, Cambridge University Press, Duomo Ediciones, Edelvives, Editorial Planeta, Fnac, Hachette Children’s Group, Hallmark, Harper Collins, Kókinos, Lerner, London Royal Opera House, Loqueleo, National Center for Youth Issues (NY), NubeOcho, Oxford University Press, Page Street Kids, Parragon, Penguin/Puffin, Santillana, Scholastic, Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag, Walker Books.